Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More 'Guh' and some annoyances

First the annoyances: Got home from Roswell on Sunday night to find a demand from our apartment complex that we spend 40 hours of labor readying our apartment for bedbug spraying today. Now, since there were only about 30 hours total between then and now, and since I do need to get at least a few hours of sleep each night, not to mention that pesky "work" thing I generally do on weekdays, our actual time available for working on this was more like four hours. So most of it didn't get done, and as a result, we'll probably be fined by the complex. Oh well.

The good news is that yesterday at lunchtime, I managed to pound out over 1,000 words, and I managed to get a few more in before I fell asleep last night, so I am now over 20,000 words. (20,002, in fact.) Woot! The bad news is that I'm still about 1600 short of where I should be at this time, and not likely to do much catching up today as we have to undo everything we did last night (and do umpteen loads of laundry to boot).

Today's snippet: Phoebe is meeting with her crew.

"Is there anything else that needs to be brought to my attention?"

There didn't seem to be.

"All right. Dismissed." As people started to stand up and file out, though, I thought of something. "M-Mr. Vere?"

He moved to my side at once. "Yes, Cap'n? What can I do for you?" His voice seemed to imply that there was plenty he could do for me, if only I would let him. For a moment, I lost myself in gazing at him, but then I caught myself just before I said "Guh" again.

I nevertheless had to clear my throat before I could speak. "Is ... that is, do you know when Mr. Braca will be available again? I have a few small projects for him."

"He'll be off shift in about six hours." But why would you be satisfied with a boy like him, his eyes said, when you could have a man like me?

"Guh," I said. Oh, rats! I had to stop doing that! "Oh, good," I said, pretending to ignore my lapse. "Would you please send him to me then?"

"Of course, Cap'n. Is there anything else?" When I shook my head, he bowed and departed, but not before I had the fleeting impression that he'd been hoping that I'd say "Guh" again.


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