Monday, December 04, 2006

New Goals

Last weekend, I decided on a new goal for my NaNoWriMo story.

My original goal was to have the story finished by the end of this month, so I could give it a little rest before NaNoEdMo in February.

That was before I found out about Lulu. has offered one free copy of their NaNoNovel to any NaNoWriMo winner. The catch? You have to submit the book to them by January 16.

Now, I don't anticipate having the book in anything approaching a final, publishable form by then. But it would be nice if I'd at least had a chance to go in and proof for typos, grammos, and glaring inconsistencies (like the fact that Shon Braca was 17 in one chapter and 19 in another, two days later?). It will probably also take a couple of days to do the formatting, etc. needed for Lulu.

So ...

My new goal is to have the story finished by December 20. Primary editing will take place Dec. 20 - January 10. Formatting will happen January 10-15.

Here's hoping. Like I said, I know this won't be the final version of the book ... but it would be so cool to be able to set the thing on the shelf and say, "Hey, I wrote a book last year!"

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