Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's Off!

(Started to post this yesterday, then had problems with the connection, so ... pretend you just got into your time machine and it's about this time yesterday...

Got to re-reading the offer from Lulu for a free copy of my NaNoWriMo novel, and the deadline is midnight, January 16. Which, technically speaking, is midnight TONIGHT.

So ... I spent my lunch hour frantically incorporating a last few edits, then PDF'd it and uploaded it and sent it to print. I'm sure I'll now find 42 more typos (and my beta readers will find 442). But if that's what it takes, I guess it's worth it to get all of them out of the way before I start sending it out to agents and publishers.

Feedback from elanurel was very helpful; I still have more feedback from phoenix14159 to incorporate, and someday, rivkarivkina will come down from the clouds far enough to give me more feedback than, "Guh! Not work safe!" {grin}. And I may poke copies at a few more people and see what they think.

But for now ... Edit Phase 1 is done.

[EDIT: Not even 24 hours later, and I'm up to four typos that didn't surface until it was too late....]


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