Monday, February 12, 2007

More Editing ...

Yes, I'm still editing. I think I'll be editing forever.

In this round:

1) Trying to get rid of at least most of the passive voice bits (not being utterly compulsive about it, just trying to get rid of the glaring, obvious ones)
2) Along with the passive voice goes the check for excessive wordiness. (Me? Excessively wordy? Say it isn't so!)
3) Adding in the last few items suggested by phoenix14159 (explaining why the pirates are all so human-like, adding some hints that Phoebe's dad was a cop, thereby giving a bit of a basis for her apparently natural leadership skills).
4) Blending in a few info tidbits that got missed the first time around (did you know Phoebe has green eyes and sandy brown hair? Probably not, since I never got around to mentioning it...)
5) I actually put one of the "and thens" I got rid of last round back in. It needed to be there.
6) Still getting rid of excess commas. I, think, I've, only, found, eight, or, ten, this, round...
7) Oh, and I found yet another typo -- a missing beginning quote. Most of the typos have been either missing end quotes, or missing periods. Though I did have a couple of odd words -- an "a" or "the" left over from when revisions got made. Think I'm up to about 14 typos found since the version that got sent off to Lulu.

One bit I still need to put in: Phoebe needs to at least offer the music files to Prostus to help pay for her phasers -- and he needs to reject them out of hand.

My goal is to finish this run through, then read through one last time (looking for any remaining rough spots) and get it back out to the beta readers (if any of them are up to another reading).

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